We have reinvented the way law students network and raise their profile with our iPhone app offering anytime anywhere access to dynamic content and the robust technology that fuels action to give you a competitive advantage in your job search.
Our Content Empowers You To Take Action
Our Most Popular Programs
Getting a Job Begins With Branding
Work a Room Without Working Too Hard
A Fantastic Way to Follow Up
Gratitude and Getting a Job
Why Networking Matters to You
The Best Social Media Strategy for 1Ls
Information Interviews Will Bear Fruit If You Do This
Why CLE Can Get You a Job
The Best Kept Secret to Reaching Alumni
How Bar Associations Can Boost Your Job Search
Making Friends in Non-Legal Fields
How Facebook Can Help Your Future With Professionals
Gaining a Competitive Advantage With LinkedIn Groups
Boost Your Profile This Summer By Blogging
Success Traits for Summer Hires
Learn how to meet more of the people you are trying to meet instead of collecting random business cards in 10-minute on-demand webinars every week.
Our automated e-mail reminder system will help you execute your goals by helping you find convenient pockets of available time in your schedule.
Ensure the achievement of key goals and objectives by integrating them into your calendar with a single click. Effortlessly develop a job search strategy that works.
Replace templates with an advanced digital interface that creates customized and printable career development plans. Track your progress with ease.
Measure and evaluate progress in comparison to your peers. Use our unique accountability colleague designation to remain focused on your performance.
Career services professionals can support students in their efforts with transparent monitoring tools, broadcast messaging, and customization features.
2017-2018 USERS
I am an alum and have been enjoying the videos. I downloaded the iPhone app and listen to the programs on my way into work. I think that many of your ideas are great when it comes to marketing yourself and creating lasting professional relationships.
-Matthew Colliss, Attorney & Alumnus Golden Gate University School of Law
I have four interviews for the summer, ranging from small firms to a medium size firm, as well as a judicial clerkship. My grades are solid but somewhat unremarkable. I attribute my success completely to the networking/outreach I've done. Your videos have been a tremendous help. I watch them each week and they are very helpful. I generally take the steps suggested in the videos, and the results have been great. The system is very well-done, and I prefer watching on my iPhone.
-Student, Class of 2017 Georgia State University College of Law
I continually find the concrete strategies very helpful. I know sometimes it is easy to push to the back burner things that we need to be doing for our networking and career development. With this product, we can have a manageable way to approach the sometimes illusory and daunting job market. It is very task focused and you can pick up wherever you left off. I would highly recommend it for any introvert like myself.
-Dan Cyr, Class of 2015 Indiana University Maurer School of Law
I enjoyed the Lawcountability seminars and found them very helpful.
-Brie Richardson, Class of 2017 University of Wyoming College of Law